Resource PORTAL

To the event organisers: without you, speakers like me wouldn’t be around - so thank you!

Doing events right

Having presented at dozens of events for tens of thousands of people, we get that there can be a lot going on.

This is why we are committed to creating a stress free experience with Lachie as your keynote speaker. We get the work done early so that come time for take off, there is nothing to do but follow the plan and create your unforgettable event.

Of course, if you need other information you can reach out at any time on

  • Let's Chat

    Are we a match? Chat with Lachie to get to know each other before committing to anything.

  • Craft your Unforgettable Event

    Dive into the detail of your event. What outcomes you are looking for?

    Lachie will craft a custom keynote for your event.

    Then what can we do to take this to the next level? Flyovers are pretty cool.

  • Cleared for Takeoff

    Let’s make the magic happen.